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Changing the World, One step at a time.

More About Pruthvi

He is a Prosperity Coach who envisions a society where financial freedom is not a privilege but a possibility for everyone. Through his dedication to creating accessible tools and education, Pruthvi empowers individuals and families to build financial clarity and confidence.

Pruthvi’s accomplishments are a testament to his expertise and dedication. With over seven years of experience in personal finance and wealth management, he holds the prestigious QPFP® (Qualified Personal Finance Professional) certification. He is an avid reader, Toastmaster member, and finance content creator.

He has created a tried and proven step-by-step system to hyper-optimize your income to stop financial firefighting, and start accelerating toward you financial goals, financial freedom, and financial abundance through his well-curated P.A.C.E program. 

He is driven by the desire to cultivate wealth creators who are also go-givers, contributing to society while pursuing their passions. This mission isn’t just about numbers—it’s about enabling people to transition early into lives of purpose and passion, breaking free from financial constraints. He is like a navigator who helps you to take right turns (decisions), at right right time to win the financial life race.

Focus on Empathy and Empowerment

Pruthvi’s journey has been shaped by lessons learned from the University of Hard Knocks. He empathizes with people who are going through financial problems and want to empower them with hope, tools, and knowledge to not only overcome and survive, but thrive financially.

He has learned that wealth loves time and that managing money effectively is more important than chasing quick wins. He advocates for being agile and adaptive, emphasizing the importance of starting with a minimum viable plan and improving along the way to achieve the financial goals and financial freedom.

Pruthvi’s belief in the power of community, mentorship and accountability has also played a pivotal role in his growth, inspiring him to build connections that elevate both himself and those around him.


LinkedIn Followers

Pruthvi spreads financial education through content creation on LinkedIn, which has garnered good follower base and credibility. 


Years of experience

Pruthvi has worked in wealth management companies where he has managed almost 400+ crores of assets for more than 200+ families.


Financially Educated

Pruthvi has given Financial Awareness programs to employees of corporates like LAPP India, Boeing, Verizon, KPMG India, TATA Steel Foundation.

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Copyright 2025 @Pruthvi Ravindranath